摘 要:在現代戰爭中,快速而有效的對攻擊目標進行識別和跟蹤對獲取戰爭主動權起著很重要的作用,而要達到這個目的,就需要從目標圖像中準確的分割出目標。在圖像分割" title="圖像分割">圖像分割中,閾值的選取至關重要。最大類間方差法是一種常用而有效的圖像分割算法,并已在許多實時場合中采用。為滿足高速場合的要求,本文采用Altera公司" title="Altera公司">Altera公司的Cyclone II" title="Cyclone II">Cyclone II 系列的FPGA" title="FPGA">FPGA實現類間方差的計算。實驗結果表明,本設計能夠實時穩定的對目標分割提取,分割效果良好。
Implementation of image segmentation system
based on Otsu method
WANG Jian-lai YANG Chun-ling
(Electrical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150001)
Abstract: In the modern war, recognizing and tracking the target rapidly and effectively is of vital importance for acquiring war initiative. For the sake, it is necessary to segment the target from the image accurately. In image segmentation, threshold selection is very important. The Otsu’s method is an effective algorithm for image segmentation, and has been widely employed in various real-time applications. In this paper, an implementation on FPGA of Altera's Cyclone II series for the BCVC (Between Class Variance Computation) of Otsu’s method is presented to meet these high speed requirements. The experimental results indicate that the system can obtain a good performance of image segmentation.
Keywords: Image segmentation; Maximum between class variance; FPGA