摘要: RapidIO總線是一種廣泛應用于嵌入式系統內部互聯的高性能互聯總線,具有高帶寬、低延遲、支持多處理器等特征。針對目前市面上大多數處理器不支持RapidIO 總線的問題,基于國產PCIe轉RapidIO控制器設計了一款PCIe擴展卡,詳細介紹了該PCIe擴展卡各模塊硬件設計方案,并搭建測試環境對RapidIO總線的眼圖和DMA傳輸性能進行測試。經測試,當RapidIO總線傳輸速率配置為5 Gb/s時,RapidIO總線DMA讀寫速率分別為1 677 MB/s 和1 711 MB/s。
中圖分類號:TN92 文獻標志碼:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.245160
中文引用格式: 張恒,王琪,郁文君. 一種PCIe轉RapidIO擴展卡設計與實現[J]. 電子技術應用,2024,50(10):110-114.
英文引用格式: Zhang Heng,Wang Qi,Yu Wenjun. Design and implementation of a PCIe-to-RapidIO add-in card[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2024,50(10):110-114.
中文引用格式: 張恒,王琪,郁文君. 一種PCIe轉RapidIO擴展卡設計與實現[J]. 電子技術應用,2024,50(10):110-114.
英文引用格式: Zhang Heng,Wang Qi,Yu Wenjun. Design and implementation of a PCIe-to-RapidIO add-in card[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2024,50(10):110-114.
Design and implementation of a PCIe-to-RapidIO add-in card
Zhang Heng,Wang Qi,Yu Wenjun
The 58th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group
Abstract: RapidIO bus is a high-performance interconnect bus which is widely used in embedded systems. It has the characteristics of high bandwidth, low latency, and multiple processors supported. In response to the problem that most processors on the market currently don’t support the RapidIO bus, a PCIe add-in card based on domestic PCIe to RapidIO controller was designed. The hardware design of each module of the PCIe add-in card was introduced in detail, and a testing environment was built to test the eye diagram and DMA transmission rate of the RapidIO bus. By testing, when the transfer rate of the RapidIO bus is configured as 5 Gb/s, the DMA read and DMA write rates of the RapidIO bus are 1 677 MB/s and 1 711 MB/s, respectively.
Key words : RapidIO bus;PCIe;PCIe to RapidIO controller;eye diagram;DMA transmission
隨著嵌入式系統的不斷發展,芯片到芯片、板卡到板卡之間的互連對帶寬、成本、靈活性及可靠性的要求越來越高。嵌入式系統目前常用的互連方式主要有千兆以太網互連、外圍組件互連高速(Peripheral Component Interconnect express,PCIe)總線互連和快速輸入輸出(Rapid Input Output,RapidIO)總線互連。其中千兆以太網互連存在延時大、軟件協議開銷大和帶寬不足等缺點;而PCIe總線是采用主從模式的樹形拓撲,不支持多設備間數據交換,更適合組建平行通信網絡。RapidIO總線是由Motorola和Mercury等公司提出的一種滿足高性能嵌入式系統需求的開放式互連技術標準,具有高帶寬、低延遲、支持多處理器等特征,比千兆以太網能提供更高的傳輸速率,比PCIe總線更適合組建平行通信網絡,具有更強的互聯性和兼容性。RapidIO總線具有硬件重傳機制,同時支持直接內存訪問(Direct Memory Access,DMA) Doorbell和Message操作等,可用于點對點互連,也可采用交叉交換的拓撲結構實現多設備間的數據交換[1-9]。
鑒于目前市面上大部分處理器不支持RapidIO 總線[10-11],本文以國產PCIe轉RapidIO控制器為核心,設計了一種PCIe轉RapidIO擴展卡,通過該擴展卡可以把不支持RapidIO 總線的處理器通過RapidIO網絡集群到一起,組成一個強大的分布式計算機系統。
(中國電子科技集團公司第五十八研究所,江蘇 無錫 214072)