1.南京理工大學 電子工程與光電技術學院,江蘇 南京 210094;2.澳門城市大學 數據科學學院, 澳門 999078
摘要: 坐標旋轉數字算法(CORDIC)被廣泛應用于消旋、相機邊框等系統中。在對傳統CORDIC算法分析的基礎上提出了重編碼預測和多倍迭代優化的方法,并用MATLAB進行了仿真,又在VIVADO上進行了FPGA驗證與對比。實驗結果表明,上述優化相對傳統CORDIC算法以及VIVADO自帶的CORDIC IP核顯著減少了迭代次數,消耗了更少的資源,計算的精度也有了一定的提升。
中圖分類號:TN492 文獻標志碼:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.234288
中文引用格式: 高宇杰,李武森,戚云菲,等. 用于FPGA平臺上圖像快速旋轉的改進CORDIC算法[J]. 電子技術應用,2024,50(3):100-103.
英文引用格式: Gao Yujie,Li Wusen,Qi Yunfei,et al. The CORDIC algorithm for high-speed image rotation on FPGA platform[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2024,50(3):100-103.
中文引用格式: 高宇杰,李武森,戚云菲,等. 用于FPGA平臺上圖像快速旋轉的改進CORDIC算法[J]. 電子技術應用,2024,50(3):100-103.
英文引用格式: Gao Yujie,Li Wusen,Qi Yunfei,et al. The CORDIC algorithm for high-speed image rotation on FPGA platform[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2024,50(3):100-103.
The CORDIC algorithm for high-speed image rotation on FPGA platform
Gao Yujie1,Li Wusen1,Qi Yunfei2,Chen Wenjian1
1.School of Electronic and Optical Engineering,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China; 2.Faculty of Data Science, City University of Macau,Macau 999078,China
Abstract: The Coordinate Rotation Digital Algorithm (CORDIC) was widely used in racemic systems, camera frames and other applications. Based on the analysis of the traditional CORDIC algorithm, a method of recoding prediction and multi-times iterative optimization was proposed, simulated with MATLAB, verified and compared with FPGA on VIVADO. The experimental results show that compared with the traditional CORDIC algorithm and the VIVADO CORDIC IP core, the optimization here significantly reduced the iteration times, consumed less resources, and the calculation accuracy also be improved.
Key words : image rotation;coordinate rotation digital algorithm;re-coding prediction;multi-times iterative
在移動攝像及顯示系統中,當攝像頭發生旋轉的時候,顯示屏中的畫面也會隨之產生不可避免的旋轉,從而對目標的觀察和操作產生較大的影響,此時就需要在顯示前,先對攝像頭傳輸過來的圖像進行消旋處理。為此,本文提出了一種基于坐標旋轉數字算法(Coordinate Rotation Digital Algorithm ,CORDIC)的優化的圖像消旋算法。
1.南京理工大學 電子工程與光電技術學院 2.澳門城市大學 數據科學學院