中國電子科技集團第五十八研究所,江蘇 無錫 214035
摘要: 圖像語義分割網絡為了提升精度常采用結構復雜的卷積層作為基礎的特征提取單元,這類卷積層存在的不同類型卷積增加了對網絡并行加速計算的難度。針對語義分割網絡不同類型的卷積的加速計算需求,提出一種基于FPGA的面向多類型卷積的并行計算加速器。首先對卷積的計算原理進行分析,然后根據不同卷積類型的基本運算原理構建多乘法并行計算的處理單元,并通過多處理單元并行、數據重用以及PIPELINE方法對卷積進行加速計算。實驗結果表明,對于特定尺寸的特征圖,使用所提的卷積加速器設計方法最多可以達到113倍的速度提升。
中圖分類號:TP391 文獻標志碼:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.234591
中文引用格式: 史興強,強小燕,鞏凱,等. 面向圖像語義分割的多類型卷積加速器設計[J]. 電子技術應用,2023,49(12):26-30.
英文引用格式: Shi Xingqiang,Qiang Xiaoyan,Gong Kai,et al. Design of multi type convolution accelerator for image semantic segmentation[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(12):26-30.
中文引用格式: 史興強,強小燕,鞏凱,等. 面向圖像語義分割的多類型卷積加速器設計[J]. 電子技術應用,2023,49(12):26-30.
英文引用格式: Shi Xingqiang,Qiang Xiaoyan,Gong Kai,et al. Design of multi type convolution accelerator for image semantic segmentation[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(12):26-30.
Design of multi type convolution accelerator for image semantic segmentation
Shi Xingqiang,Qiang Xiaoyan,Gong Kai,Xing Mengfei
No.58 Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Wuxi 214035, China
Abstract: In order to improve accuracy, image semantic segmentation networks often use complex convolutional layers as the basic feature extraction units. The different types of convolutions present in these convolutional layers increase the difficulty of parallel acceleration computation for the network. A parallel computing accelerator based on FPGA for multi type convolutions is proposed to meet the accelerated computing requirements of different types of convolutions in semantic segmentation networks. Firstly, the calculation principle of convolution is analyzed. Then, based on the basic operation principles of different convolution types, a processing unit for multi multiplication parallel computing is constructed. The convolution is accelerated through multi processing unit parallelism, data reuse, and PIPELINE method. The experimental results show that for specific size feature maps, using the proposed convolutional accelerator design method can achieve a maximum speed increase of 113 times.
Key words : image semantic segmentation;multi type convolutions;FPGA;computational acceleration
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(中國電子科技集團第五十八研究所,江蘇 無錫 214035)