(深圳市一博科技股份有限公司,廣東 深圳 518051)
摘要: 使用Cadence公司的SystemSI對DDR信號通道進行整體仿真,同時,借助一博科技自研的Interposer夾具進行測試,經過多次的仿真測試擬合,所介紹的DDR仿真測試方法可以達到較高的精度。隨著對內存帶寬的需求不斷提升,作為當前主流的DDR4局限性日益明顯,通過具體案例說明了DDR5信號完整性提升的具體技術,并通過仿真對比,展示了DDR5在內存升級過程中的優勢。
中圖分類號:TN402 文獻標志碼:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.239806
中文引用格式: 黃剛,姜杰,吳均. DDR5仿真精度研究及在內存升級中的應用[J]. 電子技術應用,2023,49(8):53-58.
英文引用格式: Huang Gang,Jiang Jie,Wu Jun. Research on DDR5 simulation accuracy and application in memory upgrading[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(8):53-58.
中文引用格式: 黃剛,姜杰,吳均. DDR5仿真精度研究及在內存升級中的應用[J]. 電子技術應用,2023,49(8):53-58.
英文引用格式: Huang Gang,Jiang Jie,Wu Jun. Research on DDR5 simulation accuracy and application in memory upgrading[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(8):53-58.
Research on DDR5 simulation accuracy and application in memory upgrading
Huang Gang,Jiang Jie,Wu Jun
(Shenzhen Edadoc Technology Co.,Ltd., Shenzhen 518051, China)
Abstract: This paper uses Cadence's SystemSI for DDR whole channel simulation, and the interposer fixture developed by EDADOC Technology for testing. After multiple verification simulation with testing data, the DDR simulation and testing method offered by this paper can achieve high accuracy. With the increasing demand for memory bandwidth, the limitations of DDR4, the current mainstream, are becoming increasingly obvious. This paper illustrates the specific technologies for improving the signal integrity of DDR5 through specific cases, and demonstrates the advantages of DDR5 in the process of memory upgrading through simulation comparison.
Key words : DDR4;DDR5;SystemSI;Interposer;DFE;ODT
0 引言
隨著并行領域對數據存儲快速響應需求的日益增加,DDR(Double Date Rate SDRAM)的信號速率越來越高, DDR設計難度也越來越大。傳統仿真方法僅對DDR的單個信號進行仿真,忽視了并行信號之間串擾的影響;而傳統的探針點測方法存在測試精度低、無法測試正反貼布局的DDR芯片、無法測試信號時序等顯著缺點,因此,選擇合適的仿真工具和測試方法的重要性愈發凸顯。本文介紹的DDR仿真及測試方法,克服了傳統方法的缺點,可以達到較高的精度。
(深圳市一博科技股份有限公司,廣東 深圳 518051)