(1.中國科學院空天信息創新研究院,北京100094;2.中國科學院大學 電子電氣與通信工程學院,北京 100094)
摘要: 隨著合成孔徑雷達(Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR)分辨率的提升,利用SAR圖像進行艦船檢測和識別逐漸成為海洋目標監視的重要手段。但受限于SAR成像機理,高分辨SAR圖像旁瓣問題開始凸顯,這嚴重影響艦船目標的主體分割。提出一種基于Radon變換的艦船目標精細分割算法,通過將SAR圖像進行Radon變換,在Radon域實現了旁瓣數據的識別與剔除。然后利用形態學濾波去除細碎旁瓣,最終實現了SAR圖像旁瓣的有效抑制。利用高分三號和COSMO-SkyMed衛星圖像數據對算法進行驗證,結果表明該算法相比于現有分割算法,在區域內均勻性、區域間差異性、形狀復雜度等方面均具有較好的提升。
DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.223260
中文引用格式: 徐新瑤,王小龍. 基于Radon變換的高分辨SAR圖像艦船目標精細分割[J]. 電子技術應用,2023,49(5):142-148.
英文引用格式: Xu Xinyao,Wang Xiaolong. Fine segmentation of ship targets for high-resolution SAR images based on Radon transform[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(5):142-148.
DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.223260
中文引用格式: 徐新瑤,王小龍. 基于Radon變換的高分辨SAR圖像艦船目標精細分割[J]. 電子技術應用,2023,49(5):142-148.
英文引用格式: Xu Xinyao,Wang Xiaolong. Fine segmentation of ship targets for high-resolution SAR images based on Radon transform[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(5):142-148.
Fine segmentation of ship targets for high-resolution SAR images based on Radon transform
Xu Xinyao1,2,Wang Xiaolong1
(1.Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100094, China; 2.School of Electronic, Electrical and Communication Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)
Abstract: With the improvement of the resolution of synthetic aperture radar (SAR), the use of SAR images for ship detection and identification has gradually become an important means of marine target surveillance. However, limited by the SAR imaging mechanism, the side-lobe problem of high-resolution SAR images is becoming prominent gradually, which seriously affects the subject segmentation of ship targets. In this paper, a fine segmentation algorithm of ship target based on Radon transform is proposed. By performing Radon transform on SAR images, the identification and elimination of sidelobe are realized in the Radon domain. Then, the morphological filtering is used to remove the fine side lobes. Finally, the effective suppression of the SAR image side lobes is realized. The algorithm is verified by GF-3 and COSMO-SkyMed satellite image data. The results show that the algorithm has better performance in uniformity of intra region, dissimilarity of inter region, and complexity of shape compared with existing segmentation algorithms.
Key words : synthetic aperture radar (SAR);sidelobe effect;fine segmentation;Radon transform
0 引言
合成孔徑雷達(Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR)是一種主動式微波成像傳感器,不同于光學和紅外傳感雷達,SAR可實現全天候成像,同時具備穿透云霧的能力,可有效保證極端天氣條件下的穩定工作。由于SAR具有以上優良特性,早在上世紀70年代,搭載SAR傳感器的衛星便在海洋監測領域投入使用。經過半個世紀的發展,高分辨率星載SAR系統在海上艦船檢測與識別、漁業管理、海洋救援等領域正發揮著至關重要的作用。
(1.中國科學院空天信息創新研究院,北京100094;2.中國科學院大學 電子電氣與通信工程學院,北京 100094)