(西安工業大學 電子信息工程學院, 陜西 西安710021)
摘要: 目前電動汽車動力輸出的來源主要是動力電池,其荷電狀態(State of Charge,SOC)表示電池的剩余電量情況,精確估算SOC對于電池的使用安全有重要意義。將蝴蝶優化算法( Butterfly Optimization Algorithm,BOA)進行改進并用于優化BP神經網絡估算動力電池SOC,解決了普通BP網絡估計SOC時遇到的訓練時間長、收斂慢、精度較低、易陷入局部最優解的問題;同時提升了全局搜索速度,選取電壓和電流為輸入變量、SOC為輸出變量,根據誤差的大小調整神經網絡的權值和閾值。仿真結果表明,優化后得到的SOC估計結果誤差率控制在1.1%以內,該方法尋優速度快,具有更好的魯棒性。
DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.222834
中文引用格式: 李暢,王琪,姜佳怡. 基于levy飛行優化BOA-BP網絡的電池SOC估計[J]. 電子技術應用,2023,49(4):88-91.
英文引用格式: Li Chang,Wang Qi,Jiang Jiayi. Battery SOC estimation based on Levy flight optimization of BOA-BP network[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(4):88-91.
DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.222834
中文引用格式: 李暢,王琪,姜佳怡. 基于levy飛行優化BOA-BP網絡的電池SOC估計[J]. 電子技術應用,2023,49(4):88-91.
英文引用格式: Li Chang,Wang Qi,Jiang Jiayi. Battery SOC estimation based on Levy flight optimization of BOA-BP network[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(4):88-91.
Battery SOC estimation based on Levy flight optimization of BOA-BP network
Li Chang,Wang Qi,Jiang Jiayi
(College of Electronic Information Engineering, Xi′an Technological University, Xi′an 710021, China)
Abstract: At present, the power output of electric vehicles is mainly derived from power batteries, whose State of Charge (SOC) represents the remaining power of batteries. Accurate estimation of SOC is of great significance for the safety of battery use . Butterfly Optimization Algorithm (BOA) was improved and used to optimize BP neural network to estimate SOC of power battery, which solved the problems of long training time, slow convergence, low accuracy and easy to fall into local optimal solution. At the same time, the global search speed is improved, voltage and current are selected as input variables, SOC as output variables, and the weight and threshold of neural network are adjusted according to the size of error. Simulation results show that the error rate of SOC estimation results obtained after optimization is controlled within 1.1%, and this method has better robustness and faster optimization speed.
Key words : charged state estimation;Butterfly optimization algorithm;BP neural network;Levy flight
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(西安工業大學 電子信息工程學院, 陜西 西安710021)