(1.中國電子信息產業集團有限公司第六研究所,北京 102209;2.太原衛星發射中心,山西 太原 030027)
摘要: 為了部隊后勤物資有效、方便、統一管理,研究設計了一種用于監測物品在位狀態的告警監測系統。該系統利用樹莓派主板采集紅外傳感器檢測物品在位狀態的電平信號以及攝像頭拍攝物品的圖像數據,并將其轉化為通用數據幀,通過指定源組播的方式發送至數據處理模塊,最后使用基于卷積神經網絡的圖像識別算法判斷物品的正確性,并在監測模塊界面上實時顯示其狀態。經驗證,該系統可以保證數據采集的實時性以及識別物品的準確性,實用性強。
DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.222979
中文引用格式: 焦翔,趙文策,蒯亮,等. 基于卷積神經網絡的紅外監測系統設計[J]. 電子技術應用,2023,49(4):83-87.
英文引用格式: Jiao Xiang,Zhao Wence,Kuai Liang,et al. Design of infrared monitoring system based on convolutional neural network[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(4):83-87.
DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.222979
中文引用格式: 焦翔,趙文策,蒯亮,等. 基于卷積神經網絡的紅外監測系統設計[J]. 電子技術應用,2023,49(4):83-87.
英文引用格式: Jiao Xiang,Zhao Wence,Kuai Liang,et al. Design of infrared monitoring system based on convolutional neural network[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(4):83-87.
Design of infrared monitoring system based on convolutional neural network
Jiao Xiang1,Zhao Wence2,Kuai Liang1,Zhou Gan1,Bai Yongqiang2,Ren Yancheng2
(1.The Sixth Research Institute of China Electronics Corporation, Beijing 102209, China; 2.Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, Taiyuan 030027, China)
Abstract: For the effective, convenient and unified management of materials about military logistics, this paper studies and designs a monitoring system for monitoring the presence of items. The system uses the motherboard of Raspberry Pi to collect the level signal of the infrared sensor about the presence of the items and the images taken by camera of the items. Then it converts the data into the general data frame, and sends the frame to the data processing module through the source-specific multicast. Finally, the image recognition based on the convolutional neural network is used to judge the correctness of the item, and display its status in real time through the monitoring interface. It has been verified that the system can ensure the real time of data acquisition and the accuracy of identifying items. It has strong practicability.
Key words : Raspberry Pi;infrared detection;condition monitoring;image recognition;convolutional neural network
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(1.中國電子信息產業集團有限公司第六研究所,北京 102209;2.太原衛星發射中心,山西 太原 030027)