網絡安全與數據治理 4期
摘要: 針對電廠脫硝系統入口NOx濃度受較多因素的影響波動較大,且CEMS檢測儀表有很大遲延難以精準測量的問題,提出了一種基于隨機森林算法(RF)和改進麻雀搜索算法(ISSA) 優化長短時記憶神經網絡(LSTM)的脫硝系統入口NOx濃度預測模型。首先,通過機理和相關性分析確定與SCR入口NOx質量濃度相關的初始輔助變量,并利用RF算法對輔助變量進行特征優化選擇,然后通過互信息(MI)對各輔助變量與輸出變量之間進行遲延估計并提取時序特征,并通過小波濾波對輸入變量進行降噪處理,建立LSTM神經網絡預測模型。利用ISSA算法確定LSTM模型的最優組合參數,最后與傳統的LSSVM、RBF、BP模型的預測結果進行對比。實驗結果證明,特征優化后的ISSALSTM神經網絡預測模型的決定系數(R2)最大,均方根誤差(RMSE)和平均絕對百分比誤差(MAPE)最小,具備很強的擬合和泛化能力,可以精準預測脫硝系統入口氮氧化物的質量濃度。
Prediction model of NOx concentration at the inlet of the denitration system based on feature optimization and ISSALSTM
Wang Yuanbo,Jin Xiuzhang
(School of Control and Computer Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, China)
Abstract: Aiming at the problem that the NOx concentration at the inlet of the denitrification system in power plants is greatly affected by many factors and fluctuates greatly, and the CEMS detection instruments have great delays and are difficult to accurately measure, a prediction model for the NOx concentration at the inlet of the denitrification system based on the random deep forest algorithm (RF) and the improved sparrow search algorithm (ISSA) optimized longterm and shortterm memory neural network (LSTM) was proposed. Firstly, the initial auxiliary variables related to the mass concentration of NOx at the SCR inlet were determined by mechanism and correlation analysis, and the auxiliary variables were selected for feature optimization using the RF algorithm, then the delay between each auxiliary variable and the output variables were estimated by mutual information (MI) and the timing features were extracted, and the LSTM neural network prediction model was established by denoising the input variables through wavelet filtering. The modified sparrow search algorithm was used to determine the optimal combination parameters of the LSTM model and finally contrasted with the prediction results of the traditional LSSVM, RBF and BP models. The experimental results proved that the ISSALSTM neural network prediction model after feature optimization had the largest coefficient of determination (R2) and the smallest root mean square error (RMSE) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), which exhibited strong fitting and generalization ability to accurately predict the mass concentration of NOx at the inlet of the denitrification system.
Key words : NOx concentration prediction;feature optimization; mutual information; sparrow search algorithm;LSTM neural network;random forest
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當前我國電廠常用的煙氣脫硝方法主要分為兩種,分別為選擇性催化還原(SCR)脫硝系統和選擇性非催化還原(SNCR)脫硝系統。兩種方法各有優劣, 前者具有工藝成熟、安全穩定且脫硝效率超過90%等優點,是當前電廠煙氣脫硝技術的首選,后者由于脫硝效率低,在煙氣脫硝中一般只用作輔助手段。本文研究的燃煤電站采用SCR技術對尾部煙氣中的氮氧化物進行脫銷處理。