電子技術應用 2023年3期
(華北計算機系統工程研究所,北京 100083)
摘要: 針對目前CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics)軟件數據可視化分析所需計算量大且操作不靈活的問題,面向CFD數據可視化分析需求,實現了一個CFD數據可視化分析服務原型軟件。在該原型軟件中,研究了自適應客戶端的服務自適應QoS(Quality of Service)優化技術,降低不同客戶端計算環境對服務質量的影響;研究設計了基于消息中間件的服務集成接口,提高了服務使用的靈活性。面向云計算環境的CFD數據可視化分析服務發揮了云端服務器的性能優勢,應用了“云+端”的開發新模式,具備靈活性和可擴展性。
中圖分類號:TP311.5 文獻標志碼:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.222816
中文引用格式: 牟泓宇,馬軼聰,淮曉永. 面向云計算環境的CFD數據可視化分析服務[J]. 電子技術應用,2023,49(3):118-123.
英文引用格式: Mou Hongyu,Ma Yicong,Huai Xiaoyong. CFD data visualization analysis service for cloud computing environment[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(3):118-123.
中文引用格式: 牟泓宇,馬軼聰,淮曉永. 面向云計算環境的CFD數據可視化分析服務[J]. 電子技術應用,2023,49(3):118-123.
英文引用格式: Mou Hongyu,Ma Yicong,Huai Xiaoyong. CFD data visualization analysis service for cloud computing environment[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(3):118-123.
CFD data visualization analysis service for cloud computing environment
Mou Hongyu,Ma Yicong,Huai Xiaoyong
(National Computer System Engineering Research Institute of China, Beijing 100083, China)
Abstract: Aiming at the problems that the data visualization analysis of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software requires a large amount of calculation and the operation is inflexible, this paper implements a CFD data visualization analysis service prototype software for the needs of CFD data visualization analysis. In this prototype software, the adaptive Quality of Service (QoS) optimization technology of the adaptive client is studied to reduce the impact of different client computing environments on the quality of service. The service integration interface based on message middleware is studied and designed to improve the flexibility of service usage. The CFD data visualization analysis service oriented to the cloud computing environment takes advantage of the performance advantages of the cloud server, applies the new development model of "cloud + terminal", and has flexibility and scalability.
Key words : visual analysis;cloud platform;service architecture;message middleware
0 引言
計算流體動力學(Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD)是流體力學和計算機科學相互融合的一門新興交叉學科,它從計算方法出發,利用計算機快速的計算能力得到流體控制方程的近似解[1]。隨著CFD技術的發展,CFD解算經常涉及百萬級甚至千萬級的網格,求解出的數據集規模巨大,僅憑單純的數據很難做出準確清晰的理解和判定。為了高效、準確和直觀地進行大規模數據的組織和三維數據場狀態的分析,可視化技術已經成為了CFD研究領域中極為重要的研究內容[2]。
(華北計算機系統工程研究所,北京 100083)