中北大學 儀器科學與動態測試教育部重點實驗室,山西 太原 030051
摘要: 圓柱形金屬試件的陣列渦流檢測可以通過幾個圍繞試件布局的陣列線圈組成的探頭來完成,陣列渦流探頭由完全相同的8個線圈組成并在一定的空間結構下完成對金屬試件的探測。設計1個基于Zynq-7020的陣列渦流檢測系統,該系統借助激勵通道的8個模擬開關可以對一個或多個線圈進行激勵,借助一個8選1模擬開關可以對8個陣列線圈進行分時采集,通過數字相敏檢波算法完成對信號的提取。試驗結果表明,此系統可以保存、傳輸、處理陣列探頭的激勵信號和感應信號,并完成測量陣列探頭靈敏度的試驗任務。
DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.222952
中文引用格式: 蔣青松,張志杰. 基于ZYNQ的陣列渦流無損檢測系統[J]. 電子技術應用,2023,49(1):52-57.
英文引用格式: Jiang Qingsong,Zhang Zhijie. Array eddy current nondestructive testing system based on ZYNQ[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(1):52-57.
DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.222952
中文引用格式: 蔣青松,張志杰. 基于ZYNQ的陣列渦流無損檢測系統[J]. 電子技術應用,2023,49(1):52-57.
英文引用格式: Jiang Qingsong,Zhang Zhijie. Array eddy current nondestructive testing system based on ZYNQ[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(1):52-57.
Array eddy current nondestructive testing system based on ZYNQ
Jiang Qingsong,Zhang Zhijie
Key Laboratory of Instrumentation Science & Dynamic Measurement Ministry of Education, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China
Abstract: The array eddy current detection of cylindrical metal specimen can be completed by several probes composed of array coils arranged around the specimen. The array eddy current probe is composed of exactly eight coils and completes the detection of metal specimen under a certain spatial structure. An array eddy current testing system based on Zynq-7020 is designed to excite one or more coils with the help of 8 analog switches of the excitation channel. With the help of an 1-in-8 analog switch, 8 array coils can be acquired in time. The signal is extracted by digital phase sensitive detection algorithm. The test results show that the system can save, transmit and process the excitation signal and induction signal of the array probe and complete the test task of measuring the sensitivity of the array probe.
Key words : Zynq-7020;array eddy current testing;array eddy current probe;analog switch
0 引言
陣列渦流檢測技術作為一種新型的無損檢測技術,不但具有常規渦流檢測技術的優點,還克服了常規渦流傳感器檢測速度慢的缺點。隨著計算機、傳感器技術和信號處理技術的進步,陣列渦流檢測技術已趨于成熟[1-2]。陣列渦流技術的檢測原理是將通入交變電流的激勵線圈放置在導電部件上,導體表面會產生渦流,導體中的缺陷會干擾渦流路徑,這種干擾可以通過檢測線圈來測量[3]。陣列渦流傳感器探頭結構靈活多變,能適應復雜工況,針對某些特殊結構工件的缺陷檢測有著獨特優勢,陣列探頭的不同布置方案會對輸出信號產生影響,陣列探頭會有多個線圈,通過分時復用芯片進行通道采集[4-6]。陣列渦流檢測的一個重要應用是磁感應成像,磁感應成像的原理是利用高頻磁場在不接觸被測組織的情況下測量組織的電導率,從而重構組織內部電導率的分布情況以及檢測電導率的變化情況[7-8]。陣列探頭的信號可以利用可編程門陣列(FPGA)進行多路信號的采集和控制[9]。Zynq-7020包含一片FPGA和雙核ARM Cortex-A9處理器,利用ZYNQ可以方便擴展系統的功能[10]。
(中北大學 儀器科學與動態測試教育部重點實驗室,山西 太原 030051)