中國電子科技集團公司第58研究所,江蘇 無錫214035
摘要: 系統級封裝SiP已成為突破摩爾定律的主要技術路線,是未來武器裝備小型化和多功能化的重要依托,在武器裝備研制和應用領域具有廣闊的市場和前景。針對區域信號目標識別系統輕量化、小型化、集成化、低功耗等要求,設計一種基于SiP技術的某分組件并為此開發一套自動化測試系統,通過該自動化測試系統對200多套產品進行試驗,得出該產品性能穩定、可靠;輕量化、小型化、低功耗等要求也滿足客戶要求。
中圖分類號: TN42
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 劉繼祥,錢宏文,廖明勛. 基于SiP技術的某分組件及測試系統設計與實現[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(7):34-39.
英文引用格式: Liu Jixiang,Qian Hongwen,Liao Mingxun. Design and implementation of a sub component and test system based on SiP technology[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(7):34-39.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 劉繼祥,錢宏文,廖明勛. 基于SiP技術的某分組件及測試系統設計與實現[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(7):34-39.
英文引用格式: Liu Jixiang,Qian Hongwen,Liao Mingxun. Design and implementation of a sub component and test system based on SiP technology[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(7):34-39.
Design and implementation of a sub component and test system based on SiP technology
Liu Jixiang,Qian Hongwen,Liao Mingxun
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation No.58 Research Institute,Wuxi 214035,China
Abstract: System level packaging SiP has become the main technical route to break Moore′s law. It is an important support for the miniaturization and multifunction of weapons and equipment in the future. It has a broad market and prospect in the field of weapons and equipment development and application. According to the requirements of lightweight, miniaturization, integration and low power consumption of regional signal target recognition system, a sub component based on SiP technology is designed, and an automatic test system is developed. Through the test of more than 200 products by the automatic test system, it is concluded that the performance of the product is stable and reliable; lightweight, miniaturization, low power consumption and other requirements also meet customer requirements.
Key words : SiP technology;automated testing;sub assembly;target recognition
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武器裝備尤其是飛彈、無人機、飛艇等微小型[1]系統平臺,其電子載荷不僅要求高可靠和高性能,還要求具備輕質、高效、小尺寸的特征。作為近現代信息技術的關鍵核心半導體器件,應盡可能地實現輕量化、小型化、高度集成化和高可靠性,才能滿足武器裝備的低SWaP(Size,Weight and Power)[2]要求。
(中國電子科技集團公司第58研究所,江蘇 無錫214035)