張新建1,畢 艷1,魯艷旻1,吳燕平1,楊家軍1,2,楊衛紅1,范 娟1
1.文華學院 機械與電氣工程學部,湖北 武漢430074;2.華中科技大學 機械科學與工程學院,湖北 武漢430074
摘要: 為了改善城鎮居住及景觀帶小區域水面的垃圾漂浮物問題,基于法拉第波原理設計了一個由振動源(產生法拉第波)、浮臺、收集裝置三部分組成的小區域水面漂浮物自動回收裝置。裝置利用單片機輸出特定的頻率到振動臺,使與振動臺相連的浮子擊打水面,產生相應波長的水波,具有攝取遠距離小顆粒水面漂浮物的能力。在法拉第波的特性作用下,水面的小顆粒漂浮物按照相應的軌跡運動到某一處,從而便于水面垃圾的打撈收集裝置進行回收打撈。本研究可以高效自動收集小區域水面小顆粒漂浮物,且有效降低對水體內生物體產生二次危害,環保經濟,有較好的推廣應用潛力。
中圖分類號: TN709
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 張新建,畢艷,魯艷旻,等. 基于法拉第波的水面漂浮物收集系統設計[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(6):112-115,120.
英文引用格式: Zhang Xinjian,Bi Yan,Lu Yanmin,et al. Research on water floaters collection system based on Faraday waves[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(6):112-115,120.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 張新建,畢艷,魯艷旻,等. 基于法拉第波的水面漂浮物收集系統設計[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(6):112-115,120.
英文引用格式: Zhang Xinjian,Bi Yan,Lu Yanmin,et al. Research on water floaters collection system based on Faraday waves[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(6):112-115,120.
Research on water floaters collection system based on Faraday waves
Zhang Xinjian1,Bi Yan1,Lu Yanmin1,Wu Yanping2,Yang Jiajun1,2,Yang Weihong1,Fan Juan1
1.Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Department,Wenhua College,Wuhan 430074,China; 2.School of Mechnical Science & Engineering,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074,China
Abstract: In order to improve living conditions in the town and solve the problems from garbage floaters on small-area water surface in landscape zones, this article, based on Faraday waves theory, designs a small-area water floaters collection automatic system device, which is consist of vibration source(to produce Faraday waves), floating platform and collecting device. This device utilizes single chip to output specific frequencies to the floating platform, and then makes the floaters which connected the floating platform to clap the water surface in order to produce waves in corresponding wavelength. This device is able to grab long-distance granules floaters on water surface. Under Faraday waves′ characteristic effect, granules floaters on water surface will move to a certain place according to relevant track, as a result, it is convenient for collecting device to salvage and recycle water surface garbage. This research result is able to collect granules floaters on small-area water surface without any second harm to the organism in the water. It is an economic, environment-friendly innovation.
Key words : Faraday waves;floater;small-area water surface;environmental protection
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張新建1,畢 艷1,魯艷旻1,吳燕平1,楊家軍1,2,楊衛紅1,范 娟1
(1.文華學院 機械與電氣工程學部,湖北 武漢430074;2.華中科技大學 機械科學與工程學院,湖北 武漢430074)