信息技術與網絡安全 7期
楊欣捷,田 蜜,江一鳴
摘要: 隨著開源技術不斷涌現,開源作為一種治理模式、經濟模式和企業生態,變得越來越重要。關注開源項目的活躍程度,分析活躍度的變化情況,在一定層面上能夠反映項目發展狀態。通過梳理現有的開源項目活躍度模型,發現:第一,現有模型沒有考慮項目類別,不能有效反映鏡像類項目活躍度;第二,現有模型沒有考慮活躍度趨勢,不能有效反映階段性活躍項目的整體活躍度。在此基礎上構建和完善了活躍度模型,并以浦發銀行開源治理平臺為例,對模型進行了驗證,為企業在開源項目的選擇上提供一定的參考價值。
中圖分類號: TP391
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.07.005
引用格式: 楊欣捷,田蜜,江一鳴. 開源項目活躍度模型構建及實證[J].信息技術與網絡安全,2021,40(7):27-33,51.
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.07.005
引用格式: 楊欣捷,田蜜,江一鳴. 開源項目活躍度模型構建及實證[J].信息技術與網絡安全,2021,40(7):27-33,51.
A model and empirical study on the activity of open source projects
Yang Xinjie,Tian Mi,Jiang Yiming
(Shanghai Pudong Development Bank,Shanghai 200000,China)
Abstract: With the emergence of open source technology, open source, as a governance model, economic model and enterprise ecology, is becoming more and more important. Analyzing the activity of open source projects and the changes of activity can reflect the development status of projects to a certain extent. By combing the existing open source project activity models, this paper finds that: first, the existing models do not consider the project category, they can not effectively reflect the activity of mirror projects. Second, the existing models do not consider the trend of activity, and they can not effectively reflect the overall activity of the stage active projects. On this basis, this paper constructs and improves the activity model. At the same time, the open source governance platform of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank is taken as an example to verify the model, which provides a certain reference value for enterprises in the selection of open source projects.
Key words : open source; activity; open source community
0 引言
開源軟件(Open Source Software,OSS)是一種源代碼開放的軟件,作為一種有效的軟件開發模式,已經獲得了極大的普及[1],為幾乎所有領域的應用程序提供了動力。開源已經出現了一個大發展的趨勢[2]。代碼倉庫與活躍用戶數都在高速增長;項目覆蓋面越來越廣,占據著各領域的主要市場份額;參與開源的企業數量保持穩定增長并呈現主動開源趨勢[3]。顯然開源正以它開放共享、合作共贏的特點吞沒著整個世界。
楊欣捷,田 蜜,江一鳴