信息技術與網絡安全 7期
曹 蕊1,胡萬里2
(1.中國電信集團公司,北京100033;2.中國電信陜西分公司,陜西 西安710075)
摘要: 運營商融合業務發展已有時日,至今傳統的基于連接的融合趨于飽和。5G、物聯網、家庭DICT、人工智能等為融合帶來產品、服務、技術等多方面的變革契機,數字化轉型則為融合變革指明了演進方向。基于此,討論了新形勢下運營商“大融合”雙三維模型及其關鍵構成要素,其中融合空間三維包括連接、終端和應用,全生命周期價值質態三維包括活躍、價值和時長,并明確以大融合推動運營商數字化轉型的數據基礎、產品創新、智能策略和量化評估四項關鍵任務。
中圖分類號: F626
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.07.002
引用格式: 曹蕊,胡萬里. 電信運營商大融合業務及數字化轉型[J].信息技術與網絡安全,2021,40(7):6-11.
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.07.002
引用格式: 曹蕊,胡萬里. 電信運營商大融合業務及數字化轉型[J].信息技術與網絡安全,2021,40(7):6-11.
Big Convergence business of telecom operators and digital transformation
Cao Rui1,Hu Wanli2
(1.China Telecom Co.,Ltb.,Beijing 100033,China; 2.Shaanxi Branch of China Telecom Co.,Ltd.,Xi′an 710075,China)
Abstract: Convergence business of telecom operators has been developing for a long time. So far traditional connection-based convergence business is saturated. 5G, IoT, home DICT, artificial intelligence, etc., have brought convergence business reform opportunities for product, service, technology and other aspects. Meanwhile digital transformation has pointed out the evolution direction for convergence business reform. Based on this, this paper discusses the operator Double Three-dimension model of "Big Convergence" and its key components. Three dimensions of Convergence Space includes connections, terminals and applications, while three dimensions of the CLV(Customer Lifetime Value) includes activities, value and duration. Furthermore, the paper identifies four key tasks to drive telecom operators′ digital transformation through Big Convergence, including data base, product innovations, smart strategies and quantitative evaluation.
Key words : Big Convergence;digital transformation;operater
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曹 蕊1,胡萬里2
(1.中國電信集團公司,北京100033;2.中國電信陜西分公司,陜西 西安710075)