李海濤1,李斌康1,2,陳彥麗1,田 耕1,2,趙 前1,阮林波1,2
1.西北核技術研究所,陜西 西安710024; 2.強脈沖輻射環境模擬與效應國家重點實驗室,陜西 西安710024
摘要: 基于THS3491運算放大器芯片研制示波器信道保護器,應用在脈沖輻射場診斷測試之中。研究測試了SOIC、VQFN兩種封裝的THS3491的幅頻特性曲線,采用VQFN封裝的THS3491作為保護器的核心芯片;研制的保護器輸出電壓幅值范圍為±10 V(50 Ω負載),等效電噪聲峰峰值約為2 mV;-3 dB小信號帶寬約為850 MHz,0.3 dB平坦度帶寬約為710 MHz,發現并理論解釋了保護器輸出電壓的峰移現象。通過delta脈沖信號源對保護器進行測試,對比輸入輸出電壓波形,實現了無失真的delta響應;在輸出信號電壓幅值范圍超過±10 V時,保護器進入到輸出保護狀態,輸出恢復時間小于7 ns,可以很好滿足脈沖輻射場診斷中的示波器信道保護要求。
中圖分類號: TN79
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 李海濤,李斌康,陳彥麗,等. 一種寬帶全量程示波器信道保護器研制[J].電子技術應用,2021,47(7):106-110.
英文引用格式: Li Haitao,Li Binkang,Chen Yanli,et al. Development of a wide-bandwidth full-range oscilloscope channel protector[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(7):106-110.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 李海濤,李斌康,陳彥麗,等. 一種寬帶全量程示波器信道保護器研制[J].電子技術應用,2021,47(7):106-110.
英文引用格式: Li Haitao,Li Binkang,Chen Yanli,et al. Development of a wide-bandwidth full-range oscilloscope channel protector[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(7):106-110.
Development of a wide-bandwidth full-range oscilloscope channel protector
Li Haitao1,Li Binkang1,2,Chen Yanli1, Tian Geng1,2,Zhao Qian1,Ruan Linbo1,2
1.Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology,Xi′an 710024,China; 2.State Key Laboratory of Simulation and Effect for Intense Pulse Radiation,Xi′an 710024,China
Abstract: An oscilloscope channel protector is developed based on the THS3491 operational amplifier, which is used in the diagnosis of pulse radiation field. By comparing and analyzing the bode plots of THS3491 in SOIC and VQFN packages, the THS3491 in VQFN package is used as the core chip of the protector. The output voltage range of the developed protector is ±10 V(50 Ω load), the peak-to-peak voltage noise is about 2 mV; the -3 dB small signal bandwidth is about 850 MHz, and the 0.3 dB flatness bandwidth is about 710 MHz. The paper discovered and theoretically explained the peak shift phenomenon of the protector output voltage. The protector was tested by a delta signal source to achieve a distortion-free delta response. When the output voltage amplitude range exceeds ±10 V, the protector enters the output protection state, and the recovery time is less than 7 ns, which can well meet the oscilloscope channel protection requirements in the pulse radiation field diagnosis.
Key words : channel protection;small signal bandwidth;in-band flatness;output slew rate;recovery time
0 引言
在強脈沖輻射場信號測量時,待測脈沖信號動態范圍大,測試時需要兼顧大動態范圍測量和波形細節測量,一般采用示波器信道量程搭接的方法來實現[1-2]。常用示波器垂直分辨率有限(8 bit或者12 bit,2~3個數量級),在進行信道量程搭接測量時(50 Ω負載),每個信道受到的脈沖信號的沖擊是一致的,對高靈敏度信道而言,高強度的脈沖信號沖擊可能會造成示波器信道性能超差、損壞,甚至導致示波器測量數據丟失。因此,在進行脈沖輻射場信號測量時,需要對示波器信道進行保護,防止出現信道損壞、數據丟失等后果。
李海濤1,李斌康1,2,陳彥麗1,田 耕1,2,趙 前1,阮林波1,2
(1.西北核技術研究所,陜西 西安710024;
2.強脈沖輻射環境模擬與效應國家重點實驗室,陜西 西安710024)