包正晶1,蘇馬婧1,康 彬2,薛繼東1,劉 紅1
(1.華北計算機系統工程研究所,北京 100083;2.中國人民解放軍96941部隊,北京100080)
摘要: 網絡空間逐漸成為人類生產活動的第二空間,網絡空間測繪對人們了解認識網絡空間資源分布、網絡關系和威脅情況等具有重要意義。當前對域名這一網絡空間重要資產的測繪研究相對較少,因此針對域名資產進行探測分析,結合多源域名數據對域名的基礎屬性、譜系關系、規模狀況和時空變化等情況進行分析,形成域名畫像。該研究有助于用戶掌握互聯網域名整體發展情況,可對網絡流量過濾和惡意域名檢測、網絡空間資產屬性識別等提供支撐。
中圖分類號: TP311.1
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.06.001
引用格式: 包正晶,蘇馬婧,康彬,等。 域名畫像系統的設計與實現[J].信息技術與網絡安全,2021,40(6):1-8.
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.06.001
引用格式: 包正晶,蘇馬婧,康彬,等。 域名畫像系統的設計與實現[J].信息技術與網絡安全,2021,40(6):1-8.
Design and implementation of domain name portrait system
Bao Zhengjing1,Su Majing1,Kang Bin2,Xue Jidong1,Liu Hong1
(1.National Computer System Engineering Research Institute of China,Beijing 100083,China; 2.Unit 96941 of PLA,Beijing 100080,China)
Abstract: Cyberspace has gradually become the second space for human production activities. Cyberspace surveying and mapping is of great significance for people to understand the distribution of cyberspace resources, network relationships and threats. However, there are relatively few researches on surveying and mapping domain names, which are important assets in cyberspace. Therefore, this article conducts detection and analysis on domain name assets, and analyzes the basic attributes, genealogical relationships, scale status, and temporal changes of domain names based on multi-source domain name data to map domain name portrait. The research can help grasp the overall development of Internet domain names, and can provide support for network traffic filtering, malicious domain name detection, and network space asset attribute identification.
Key words : domain name portrait;cyberspace mapping;pedigree construction;spatiotemporal change analysis
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包正晶1,蘇馬婧1,康 彬2,薛繼東1,劉 紅1
(1.華北計算機系統工程研究所,北京 100083;2.中國人民解放軍96941部隊,北京100080)