基于SystemC語言實現UHF RFID系統自頂向下設計
戚皖青,卜 剛,李姝萱
南京航空航天大學 電子信息工程學院,江蘇 南京211106
摘要: 為了滿足對于集成電路的復雜設計需求,繼承了C++擴展庫的SystemC的開發與設計應運而生。SytemC可以滿足對于軟硬件協同設計的要求,在設計的過程中,可以進行快速仿真和驗證。針對于通信協議(ISO/IEC 18000-6C)進行較高層次的建模設計,采用函數調用的方式實現詢問機和標簽之間的協議通信。針對于UHF RFID(Ultra High Frequency Radio Frequency Identification)通信協議,從系統級設計到行為級設計,實現該協議的自頂向下的設計,完成了標簽識別層和基帶通信鏈路層的設計。最后采用Vivado HLS綜合軟件將SystemC源代碼轉化成Verilog等硬件描述語言,軟件描述的系統級綜合成RTL級代碼。針對標簽基帶鏈路ENCODE_T模塊,在Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0中對數據“1001001001011001”進行fm0\miller編碼仿真之后,在Modelsim中完成了波形驗證,并通過Vivado HLS綜合軟件將其轉化為RTL級電路。
中圖分類號: TN402
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 戚皖青,卜剛,李姝萱. 基于SystemC語言實現UHF RFID系統自頂向下設計[J].電子技術應用,2021,47(5):45-49.
英文引用格式: Qi Wanqing,Bu Gang,Li Shuxuan. Top down design of UHF RFID tag based on SystemC[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(5):45-49.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 戚皖青,卜剛,李姝萱. 基于SystemC語言實現UHF RFID系統自頂向下設計[J].電子技術應用,2021,47(5):45-49.
英文引用格式: Qi Wanqing,Bu Gang,Li Shuxuan. Top down design of UHF RFID tag based on SystemC[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(5):45-49.
Top down design of UHF RFID tag based on SystemC
Qi Wanqing,Bu Gang,Li Shuxuan
School of Electronic Information Engineering,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 211106,China
Abstract: With the development of science and technology, the design of integrated circuit becomes more and more complex.In the design process, the division of hardware and software also produces more choices. In order to meet the complex design requirements for integrated circuits, the development and design of SystemC, which inherits the C + + extension library, came into being. SytemC can meet the requirements of hardware and software codesign, and can be quickly simulated and verified in the design process. In this paper, the communication protocol(ISO/IEC 18000-6C) is modeled and designed at a higher level. The protocol communication between interrogator and tag is realized by function call. For UHF RFID(Ultra High Frequency Radio Frequency Identification)communication protocol, from system level design to behavior level design, the top-down design of the protocol is realized, and the design of tag identification layer and baseband communication link layer is completed. Finally, the source code of this systemc is transformed into Verilog and other hardware description languages by using Vivado HLS synthesis software, and the software description of system level is synthesized into RTL code. This paper focuses on label baseband link encode_T module, after FM0 / Miller coding simulation of data "1001001001011001" in Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0, the waveform verification is completed in Modelsim, and it is transformed into RTL level circuit by Vivado HLS integrated software.
Key words : software and hardware;collaborative design;high level;protocol communication;top-down
0 引言
隨著科技的發展,集成電路的規模變得龐大和復雜,電子系統設計(Electronic System Level,ESL)流程是目前最先進片上系統設計流程方法。
SystemC和Verilog/SystemC Verilog相互結合的方法學為越來越復雜的片上系統設計提供了一套從系統級(system)到RTL級設計的可行性方案。相比于傳統的設計流程,首先采用高級語言來對系統進行設計,之后再采用硬件描述語言對寄存器傳輸級進行設計。應用以上的方法學,使得片上系統的設計過程變得簡單和高效。
UHF RFID的工作頻率為860 MHz~960 MHz,而UHF RFID空中接口協議ISO/IEC18000-6C是相關標準化組織制定的最新版本[1]。
UHF RFID技術憑借其識別距離遠、傳輸可靠且安全、數據傳輸速率高等優勢,在業界得到廣泛關注[2]。
戚皖青,卜 剛,李姝萱
(南京航空航天大學 電子信息工程學院,江蘇 南京211106)