寧士翔,胡靜波,慶光蔚,王小燕,王 爽
(南京市特種設備安全監督檢驗研究院 大數據中心,江蘇 南京210019)
摘要: 根據GB11551-2014《汽車正面碰撞的乘員保護》法規的要求,以某型客車車身為研究對象,將建好的幾何模型導入HyperMesh軟件中,通過拓撲修復、抽取中面以及簡化模型等操作,完成對車身數模的幾何清理,建立了車身正面碰撞有限元模型。在RADIOSS環境下,設置材料屬性,選取彈簧單元焊點模型以及TYPE7接觸類型,對其正面碰撞過程進行數值模擬,同時對碰撞過程中的車身變形、能量轉換規律以及速度和加速度進行分析。將仿真結果與實車碰撞試驗結果進行對比,驗證了車身模型的正確性。結果說明基于RADIOSS的計算機仿真方法不僅能指導客車車身的碰撞試驗,并且可以大量縮減實車試驗成本,具有較大的工程借鑒意義。此方法為車身結構的進一步優化提供了研究基礎。
中圖分類號: U463.82+2
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.02.011
引用格式: 寧士翔,胡靜波,慶光蔚,等. 基于RADIOSS的車身正面碰撞仿真分析[J].信息技術與網絡安全,2021,40(2):66-69.
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.02.011
引用格式: 寧士翔,胡靜波,慶光蔚,等. 基于RADIOSS的車身正面碰撞仿真分析[J].信息技術與網絡安全,2021,40(2):66-69.
Simulation analysis of car body frontal crash based on RADIOSS
Ning Shixiang,Hu Jingbo,Qing Guangwei,Wang Xiaoyan,Wang Shuang
(Big Data Center,Nanjing Special Equipment Safety Supervision Inspection and Research Institute,Nanjing 210019,China)
Abstract: Based on the car collision regulation of GB 11551-2014 “The protection of the occupants in the event of a frontal collision for motor vehicle”, aiming at coach body, the geometry model was imported into the HyperMesh software, geometric cleaning of the digital model of the car body was completed through topology repair, midface extraction and simplified model operations, and the finite element model of frontal crash was established. It set the material properties, and selected the spring unit solder joint model and TYPE7 contact type in the software RADIOSS. The frontal crash process of coach body was numerically simulated by the software RADIOSS. And coach body deformed, energy transfer rule, velocity and acceleration were analyzed. Through the comparison between simulation and test, the validity of coach body model was verified. The results show that the computer simulation method based on RADIOSS can not only guide the collision test of bus body, but also greatly reduce the cost of actual vehicle test, which has great engineering reference significance. This method provides the research foundation for the improvement of coach body structure.
Key words : coach body;frontal crash; RADIOSS;simulation
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寧士翔,胡靜波,慶光蔚,王小燕,王 爽
(南京市特種設備安全監督檢驗研究院 大數據中心,江蘇 南京210019)