潘點飛1,胡 偉1,周文興1,張慧穎2,唐 斌1,羅亞斌1,鄭為閣1
1.中國航天員科研訓練中心,北京 100094;2.北京跟蹤與通信技術研究所,北京100094
摘要: 為實現環控生保系統在軌故障預測與健康管理,研究系統遙測數據的時間序列信息。通過預測關鍵遙測數據的變化趨勢,實現在故障出現之前對其識別、預判。結合環控生保系統遙測數據的特點,通過AIC與BIC相結合的方法確定預測模型。運用該模型對實際工程中遙測數據進行預測驗證,結果表明采用該方法對氧分壓數據進行前向6點預測,預測精度可達98.2%,可為后續系統在軌故障預測與健康管理提供基礎。
中圖分類號: V476.1
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2020.12.012
引用格式: 潘點飛,胡偉,周文興,等. 一種基于時間序列的環控生保系統遙測數據預測方法[J].信息技術與網絡安全,2020,39(12):67-72.
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2020.12.012
引用格式: 潘點飛,胡偉,周文興,等. 一種基于時間序列的環控生保系統遙測數據預測方法[J].信息技術與網絡安全,2020,39(12):67-72.
A telemetry data prediction method of environmental control and life support system based on time series analysis
Pan Dianfei1,Hu Wei1,Zhou Wenxing1,Zhang Huiying2,Tang Bin1,Luo Yabin1,Zheng Weige1
1.China Astronaut Research and Training Center,Beijing 100094,China; 2.Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications Technology,Beijing 100094,China
Abstract: In order to realize on orbit fault prediction and health management of environmental control and life support system(ECLSS), time series information of telemetry data is studied. By predicting the change trend of key telemetry data, the fault can be identified and predicted before it occurs. Combined with the characteristics of telemetry data of ECLSS, the prediction model is determined by combining AIC and BIC. The model is used to predict and verify the telemetry data in practical engineering. The experimental results show that the prediction accuracy of this method can reach 98.2%when the oxygen partial pressure data is predicted forward by using this method, which can provide the basis for the subsequent system on orbit fault prediction and health management.
Key words : environmental control and life support system(ECLSS);telemetry data; prediction;fault prediction
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潘點飛1,胡 偉1,周文興1,張慧穎2,唐 斌1,羅亞斌1,鄭為閣1
(1.中國航天員科研訓練中心,北京 100094;2.北京跟蹤與通信技術研究所,北京100094)