范 晶,焦運良,戴貽康
摘要: 如何維護網絡信息安全一直是IT行業重點關注的問題。滲透測試是一種常見的網絡安全評估方法,由于滲透測試所采用的安全工具過于繁雜,因此設計一個基于TrackRay的滲透測試平臺,內置有漏洞掃描器和Web服務接口,并集成和綜合多種安全工具的優點,功能強大,簡便易用。特別是支持Java、Python、JSON等方式編寫插件,調用各種類型插件來進行滲透測試,可移植性大大提高。經試驗結果表明,該滲透測試平臺搭建簡單方便,可運用于Windows和Linux等系統,并且可以進行靈活的編寫插件實現快速的Web安全漏洞檢測。
中圖分類號: TP309
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2020.06.007
引用格式: 范晶,焦運良,戴貽康. 基于TrackRay的滲透測試平臺設計[J].信息技術與網絡安全,2020,39(6):38-43.
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2020.06.007
引用格式: 范晶,焦運良,戴貽康. 基于TrackRay的滲透測試平臺設計[J].信息技術與網絡安全,2020,39(6):38-43.
Design of penetration test platform based on TrackRay
Fan Jing,Jiao Yunliang,Dai Yikang
National Computer System Engineering Research Institute of China,Beijing 100083,China
Abstract: Today,how to ensure information security is an important problem in the Internet. Penetration test is a common network security assessment method. Because using different security tools are too complicated, this paper designs a penetration testing platform based on TrackRay, with built-in vulnerability scanner and web service interface. It also integrates the advantages of various security tools, which makes it powerful and easy to use. In particular, the framework supports Java, Python, JSON and other ways to write plug-ins and calling various types of plug-ins to take penetration testing. And its portability is greatly improved. From the experimental results, it shows that the penetration testing platform designed in this paper is simple and convenient to build, can be used in Windows and Linux systems, and can be flexible to write plug-ins to achieve rapid detection of web security vulnerabilities.
Key words : information security;penetration testing;TrackRay;portability
本文詳細內容請下載: http://www.j7575.cn/resource/share/2000003189
范 晶,焦運良,戴貽康