中國人民武裝警察部隊工程大學 信息工程學院,陜西 西安710086
摘要: Device-to-Device(D2D)通信是用于通信網絡中臨近設備間直接交換信息的技術。憑借有效提高頻譜利用率、減輕網絡負載、降低通信時延等特性,D2D技術已經成為解決當前高速流量增長和海量設備接入的關鍵技術,其中資源分配作為D2D通信中的重點問題之一,也正受到廣泛的研究和討論。首先對D2D通信技術進行簡介,其次重點介紹D2D通信中資源分配算法的研究現狀,最后總結研究中的重難點問題,提出未來研究方向。
中圖分類號: TN914
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 陳雨潔. 移動蜂窩網絡中D2D通信資源分配算法概述[J].電子技術應用,2020,46(11):52-55.
英文引用格式: Chen Yujie. Overview of D2D communication resource allocation algorithms in mobile cellular networks[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(11):52-55.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 陳雨潔. 移動蜂窩網絡中D2D通信資源分配算法概述[J].電子技術應用,2020,46(11):52-55.
英文引用格式: Chen Yujie. Overview of D2D communication resource allocation algorithms in mobile cellular networks[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(11):52-55.
Overview of D2D communication resource allocation algorithms in mobile cellular networks
Chen Yujie
School of Information Engineering,Engineering University of CAPF,Xi′an 710086,China
Abstract: Device-to-Device(D2D) communication is a technology used to directly exchange information between neighboring devices in a communication network. With the characteristics of effectively improving spectrum utilization, reducing network load, and reducing communication delay, D2D technology has become a key technology to solve the current high-speed traffic growth and mass device access. Among them, resource allocation is one of the key issues in D2D communication,which is being extensively studied and discussed. This article first introduces the D2D communication technology, secondly focuses on the research status of the resource allocation algorithm in D2D communication, and finally summarizes the major and difficult problems in the research and proposes future research directions.
Key words : 5G;D2D;spectrum utilization;resource allocation
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(中國人民武裝警察部隊工程大學 信息工程學院,陜西 西安710086)