5G URLLC標準及關鍵技術研究
李 皛1,張志榮1,陳建剛2,李 鵬2,張 化1,周閱天1
摘要: 5G標準定義了eMBB增強移動寬帶、mMTC海量大連接、URLLC低時延高可靠三大應用場景。隨著5G逐步成熟商用,URLLC業務作為垂直行業的重要切入點也在逐漸完善優化。首先介紹了URLLC技術標準演進情況,隨后從低時延、高可靠和URLLC與eMBB復用三方面分別分析了實現URLLC的關鍵技術,最后將URLLC與TSN網絡融合做了闡述。
中圖分類號: TN929.5
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 李皛,張志榮,陳建剛,等. 5G URLLC標準及關鍵技術研究[J].電子技術應用,2020,46(10):14-19.
英文引用格式: Li Xiao,Zhang Zhirong,Chen Jiangang,et al. Research on 5G URLLC standard and key technologies[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(10):14-19.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 李皛,張志榮,陳建剛,等. 5G URLLC標準及關鍵技術研究[J].電子技術應用,2020,46(10):14-19.
英文引用格式: Li Xiao,Zhang Zhirong,Chen Jiangang,et al. Research on 5G URLLC standard and key technologies[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(10):14-19.
Research on 5G URLLC standard and key technologies
Li Xiao1,Zhang Zhirong1,Chen Jiangang2,Li Peng2,Zhang Hua1,Zhou Yuetian1
1.China Telecom Research Institute,Beijing 102209,China;2.China Telecom Group Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100033,China
Abstract: The ITU(International Telecommunication Union) defines three major 5G application scenarios: eMBB, mMTC and URLLC. With the maturity and commercialization of 5G, URLLC as an important entry point in the vertical industry is also gradually improving and optimizing. This paper firstly introduces the evolution of URLLC standard, and then analyzes the key technologies to achieve URLLC from three aspects of low latency, high reliability and multiplexing of URLLC and eMBB. Finally, the integration of URLLC and TSN is described.
Key words : URLLC;mini-slot;multiplexing;grant free;time sensitive networking(TSN)
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李 皛1,張志榮1,陳建剛2,李 鵬2,張 化1,周閱天1