中圖分類號: TN91;TP311.13 文獻標識碼: A DOI:10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.191225 中文引用格式: 陳冰容,張延華,孫恩昌,等. 基于區塊鏈技術的數字電影流動放映系統[J].電子技術應用,2020,46(8):107-111. 英文引用格式: Chen Bingrong,Zhang Yanhua,Sun Enchang,et al. Digital movie mobile playing system based on blockchain technology[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(8):107-111.
Digital movie mobile playing system based on blockchain technology
1.Faculty of Information Technology,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China; 2.Unicom Systems Integration Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100176,China
Abstract: To solve the security and trust issues in the centralized management, an architecture of digital movie mobile playing system based on blockchain technology is proposed, which provides the credibility and traceability of data by the decentralized consensus mechanism of blockchain and the distributed storage mechanism of IPFS. Here, smart contracts are used to realize the execution logic for the specific functions in the movie mobile playing, including film trading, authorization certification, screening supervision, etc., which integrate the data storage and address record, and reach distributed consensuses among copyright owners, cinemas, projection teams, digital program management centers and regulatory departments. This automatically execution with efficiency and accuracy reduces the artificial intervention in transactions and authorizations, and therefore the fully controllable operation of mobile playing is guaranteed.
Key words : blockchain;smart contracts;IPFS;mobile film projection
0 引言
流動電影放映是加強鄉村文化建設,滿足人民群眾日益增長的精神文化需求的一項重點文化工程。目前針對流動電影的管理一般都是基于傳統集中式數據庫技術的數字電影流動放映系統(Digital Movies Mobile Playing System,dMs)系統[1-2]。隨著流動電影放映工作的推進,這種“中心化”的管理模式暴露出許多問題[3-4]。首先,存在虛報放映數據,套取政府補貼的現象;其次,中心數據庫存在數據存儲安全性問題;最后,影片版權保護不足,違法者通過盜版播放或傳播手段獲利。