董 亮,衛 明
中國電子科技集團公司第三十六研究所,浙江 嘉興314033
摘要: 介紹了一款Q波段采用對脊鰭線微帶過渡結構的5 W固態集成功率放大模塊。利用HFSS軟件對四路波導T型節以及對脊鰭線微帶過渡結構分別進行模擬仿真,仿真結果表明,四路波導T型節插入損耗可以控制在0.1 dB以內,對脊鰭線微帶過渡結構插入損耗可以控制在0.1 dB以內。對四路合成/分配器進行背對背安裝,并進行直通測試,測試結果表明,在43.5 GHz~45.5 GHz頻段內插入損耗在2 dB以內,可以推算合成效率大于80%。選用2 W的功放MMIC作為實驗樣片進行裝配,采用金絲鍵的方式進行射頻連接。對整個功率放大模塊進行測試,測試結果表明,在頻率43.5 GHz~45.5 GHz頻段內,飽和功率輸出大于5.7 W,增益大于10.5 dB,效率大于9.5%。該結構在微波毫米波功放領域具有廣闊的應用前景。
中圖分類號: TN73
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 董亮,衛明. 基于四路對脊鰭線的毫米波固態功率放大器設計[J].電子技術應用,2020,46(8):17-20.
英文引用格式: Dong Liang,Wei Ming. Design of solid-state power amplifier based on 4-ways antipodal finline in millimeter wave[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(8):17-20.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 董亮,衛明. 基于四路對脊鰭線的毫米波固態功率放大器設計[J].電子技術應用,2020,46(8):17-20.
英文引用格式: Dong Liang,Wei Ming. Design of solid-state power amplifier based on 4-ways antipodal finline in millimeter wave[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(8):17-20.
Design of solid-state power amplifier based on 4-ways antipodal finline in millimeter wave
Dong Liang,Wei Ming
No.36 Research Institute of CETC,Jiaxing 314033,China
Abstract: An design of a 5 W solid-state power amplifier in Q band by using antipodal finline-to-microstrip transition was presented.The four-way waveguide T-junction and antipodal finline-to-microstrip is designed and simulated through the high frequency structure simulator(HFSS).The simulation result show that the insert loss of four-way T-junction is less than 0.1 dB and the insert loss of antipodal finline-to-microstrip is less than 0.1 dB. The four-way power combiner/divider is made and test. The test result shows that the insert loss of four-way power combiner/divider is less than 2 dB in the the frequency range of 43.5 GHz~45.5 GHz, and the synthesis efficiency is more than 80%. A 2 Watt level die was selected for the amplifier module and the gold boding wire is connected the die to the microstrip. The test result shows that saturation power is more than 5.7 W,gain is more than 10.5 dB and efficiency is more than 9.5% in the frequency range of 43.5 GHz~45.5 GHz. This structure has a very broad application prospect in the field of millimeter wave power amplifier.
Key words : antipodal finline-to-microstrip;millimeter wave;solid-state power amplifier;insert loss;synthesis efficiency
0 引言
本文基于四路波導T型節結構結合對脊鰭線過渡,設計了一款Q頻段的固態功率放大器。整個設計有3個關鍵點:(1)設計對脊鰭線結構完成微波從矩形波導到微帶的過渡;(2)四路波導T型節功率合成分配器設計;(3)采用金絲鍵合技術工藝連接裸片與微帶電路以及供電電路。之后利用微組裝工藝完成對功放模塊的安裝,并對其進行測試,測試結果表明,該功放模塊在頻率43.5 GHz~45.5 GHz頻段內,飽和功率輸出大于5.7 W,增益大于10.5 dB,效率大于9.5%。
董 亮,衛 明
(中國電子科技集團公司第三十六研究所,浙江 嘉興314033)