美國加利福尼亞州圣何塞,2015年4月28日 – IDT公司((IDT?)(NASDAQ:IDTI)今天宣布擴展其領先的可編程時序器件產品組合,并發布5P11xx系列低抖動通用輸出扇出緩沖器,這些器件在提供高性能的同時,僅僅有200 fs的附加性抖動(additive jitter),為設計工程師提供了更大的靈活性。
5P11xx系 列靈活的輸出允許工程師采用單一器件來滿足包含多種信號類型的系統要求,這樣可通過減少所需零部件的數量達到降低成本和節省空間。該系列器件能夠接受任何 級別的時鐘輸入,并可產生任何級別的輸出。用戶可以指定緩沖器每個輸出的信號類型和電壓,這意味著單個器件可以在一個輸出上提供LVPECL,在另一個輸出上提供LVDS,在第三個輸出上提供LVCMOS。
IDT公司時序和RF業務部副總裁兼總經理Dave Shepard介紹說: “我們的全新系列通用輸出扇出緩沖器可提供極低的抖動,使客戶能夠采用同一種緩沖器器件實現不同的輸出類型,以滿足SoC和FPGA的不同要求。通過在IDT公司的時序產品系列中增加這些新功能,我們的客戶可以在多個電路板和多個應用中使用同一種緩沖器件來降低物料成本。”
IDT 5P11xx系列緩沖器時鐘輸出可單獨編程為LVDS、LVPECL、HCSL或每輸出對(output pair)兩路 LVCMOS輸出,采用晶體(crystal)、LVCMOS或差分輸入。這些芯片可實現四個通用輸出對,以及一個參考LVCMOS輸出時鐘。LVCMOS輸出頻率范圍從1MHz至200MHz,差分輸出頻率范圍從1MHz至350MHz。輸出電壓可針對每個輸出對單獨選擇(1.8V,2.5V或3.3V)。5P11xx系列中5P1103有兩個通用輸出和一個LVCMOS輸出,5P1105有四個通用輸出和一個LVCMOS輸出。
About IDT Clock and Timing Solutions
With a product portfolio 10 times greater and broader than any other, IDT is the world’s leader in silicon timing and is in a unique position to address the needs of virtually any application. With the industry’s largest market share, IDT is the only one-stop-shop for timing, offering products from full-featured system solutions to simple clock building-block devices. Factory-programmable options and clock solution customization capabilities address unique customer requirements, while the lowest jitter and lowest power features set IDT apart from the competition. Products are accompanied by a world-class support team driven by service and responsiveness goals. For more information about IDT’s leading portfolio of timing products, please visit www.idt.com/go/timing.
About IDT
Integrated Device Technology, Inc., develops system-level solutions that optimize its customers’ applications. IDT uses its market leadership in timing, serial switching and interfaces, and adds analog and system expertise to provide complete application-optimized, mixed-signal solutions for the communications, computing and consumer segments. Headquartered in San Jose, Calif., IDT has design, manufacturing, sales facilities and distribution partners throughout the world. IDT stock is traded on the NASDAQ Global Select Stock Market? under the symbol “IDTI.” Additional information about IDT is accessible at www.IDT.com. Follow IDT on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and Google+.