英國斯蒂夫尼奇—2012年11月29日— 艾法斯控股公司(Aeroflex Holding Corp.,紐交所代碼:ARX)旗下的全資子公司艾法斯有限公司(Aeroflex Limited)日前宣布:該公司的E500 LTE功能測試平臺現可支持一系列多樣化的IP數據服務。通過增加端到端的數據服務,進一步完善了E500業界領先的功能性性能,為網絡設備供應商和移動網絡運營商提供了在市場中最真實的、基于實驗室的LTE端到端測試解決方案。
數據業務組合由一個定制的Shenick diversifEye™解決方案來提供,該方案采用了由獨立的單個數據流行為和分析組成的各種實際數據應用,包括網頁瀏覽、視頻流及基于LTE的語音業務(VoLTE)。
“我們很高興能夠將我們的專有技術與艾法斯的測試平臺相結合,”Shenick公司首席營銷官Robert Winters說道。“當今嚴苛的數據使用場景意味著完全理解性能和質量的極限對移動運營商和基礎設施系統供應商至關重要。艾法斯推出帶有業界最真實應用場景的網絡負載測試系統,有助于從射頻端到數據分組核心探索這些極限。它通過我們的共同合作已得以實現,我們可以通過提供真實客戶端和服務器應用來準確地復制真實世界的用戶行為模式。”
“運營商需要在早期階段了解其網絡是否可以為他們的客戶在各種不同的射頻(RF)信道衰落和流量組合等情況下,提供所需要的高質量用戶體驗,如圖像上傳、網頁瀏覽、VoLTE電話或觀看流媒體視頻,”艾法斯高級產品經理Nick Carter說道。“我們的集成化E500測試系統使在真正現實條件下嚴格測試整個LTE系統的性能成為可能。”
關于更多價格信息,可發送郵件到:james.ding@aeroflex.com ,或聯絡您所在區域的艾法斯銷售辦事處:北京010-6539 1166,上海021-2028 3588,深圳0755-3301 9358,西安029-8177 3099。
Forward Looking Statements
All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this press release regarding Aeroflex’s business strategy, financial results and plans and objectives of its management for future operations are forward-looking statements. When used in this press release, words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend” and similar expressions, as they relate to Aeroflex or its management, identify forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are based on the current beliefs of Aeroflex’s management, as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to its management. Actual results could differ materially from those contemplated by the forwardlooking statements as a result of certain factors, including but not limited to, adverse developments in the global economy; changes in government spending; dependence on growth in customers’ businesses; the ability to remain competitive in the markets Aeroflex serves; the inability to continue to develop, manufacture and market innovative, customized products and services that meet customer requirements for performance and reliability; any failure of suppliers to provide raw materials and/or properly functioning component parts; the inability to meet covenants contained in debt agreements; the termination of key contracts, including technology license agreements, or loss of key customers; the inability to protect intellectual property; the failure to comply with regulations such as International Traffic in Arms Regulations and any changes in regulations; the failure to realize anticipated benefits from completed acquisitions, divestitures or restructurings, or the possibility that such acquisitions, divestitures or restructurings could adversely affect Aeroflex; the loss of key employees; exposure to foreign currency exchange rate risks; and terrorist acts or acts of war. Such statements reflect the current views of management with respect to the future and are subject to these and other risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Aeroflex does not undertake any obligation to update such forward-looking statements. Any projections in this release are based on limited information currently available to Aeroflex, which is subject to change. Although any such projections and the factors influencing them will likely change, Aeroflex will not necessarily update the information, since Aeroflex will only provide guidance at certain points during the year.