Austriamicrosystems公司的AS3610/11是USB兼容的降壓鋰電池充電器,1.25A 3MHz DC/DC充電器,100/500mA USB電流限制,其它電流限制900A,可通過OTP ROM編程.充電器還能產生用于USB OTG的5.05V輸出電壓,22V過壓保護,主要用在手機和手持設備的單個鋰電池充電器.本文介紹了AS3610/11主要特性,方框圖, USB檢測框圖以及AS3610-DB演示板電路圖和PCB布局圖.
AS3610/11: USB Compliant Step Down Charger for Li -Ion Portable Devices
The AS3610/11 is a highly integrated standalone or optional I2C controlled step down charger. All supervision and regulation functions are realized internal and independent from the processor.
The 100/500mA USB current limit can be set via a dedicated control pin. Other limits like 900mA can be programmed in the OTP ROM. In addition, the Charger can generate a 5.05V output supply at VBUS for USB OTG.
AS3610 features an I2C interface which can be used by a microcontroller to fully control all functionality of the chip. Charging current and EOC current can be set with external resistors and adjusted via register settings if needed.
AS3611 is a stand-alone version of this charger IC. Charging and EOC current is set by resistor only. Functions like OTG boost mode or max current limit for wall adapter mode can be enabled using dedicated pins.
??DCDC USB Charger
??1.25A, 3MHz DCDC Charger
??OTG Boost with low IQ (700;A) up to 500mA
??22V over voltage protection
??Seamless 100% Mode
??Reverse Polarity protection on VBUS
??NTC support
??Low side LED driver
??No external shunt resistor required
??“No Battery” operation without voltage drop
??Package: MLPD14 3x3mm
The AS3610/11 device serves as a standalone battery charge controller supporting rechargeable Lithium Ion (Li+) batteries. Requiring only a few external components, a full-featured battery charger with a high degree of flexibility can easily be realized. The main features of the controller are:
??Charge adapter detection
??Internal voltage regulator
??Low current (soft) charging
??Low current (trickle) charging
??Constant current charging
??Constant voltage charging
??22V input overvoltage protection
??Battery presence indication
??Operation without battery
??Input current limitation
??Input voltage drop regulation
The device is ideal as 1 Cell Li+ charger for mobile phones and portable devices.
圖3.AS3611 USB檢測框圖
The AS3610-DB demoboard allows you to easily evaluate the principle functionality of the AS3610 battery charger. All settings can be done either direct on the board or via the included GUI software.